March 18, 2023

308: Horoscope - New Moon in Aries + Pluto in Aquarius!


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Welcome to Ghost of a Podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Lanyadoo. I'm an astrologer, psychic medium, and animal communicator, and I'm going to give you your weekly horoscope and no-bullshit mystical advice for living your very best life.

Hey there, Ghosties. In this episode, I'll deliver your astrological weather report for the week ahead. Every Sunday, I help you prepare to navigate through life's up and downs and provide you with practical insights for planning ahead and staying on top of your game. And don't forget to hit Subscribe whenever listening to this podcast, or just mark your calendars, because every Wednesday I'll be back with a live, in-depth reading with a listener. Maybe it'll be you. So sit back, relax, and get ready to get astrological.

Welcome back to another week in the stars here at Ghost of a Podcast. We have a lot to get through this week. There's not too many things happening, but they're all really big and important to take note of. And you probably heard last week's episode, Episode 306 of the podcast, where I broke down the many transits that have been happening. Well, we're still feeling many of them, not all of them.

And so this is where I want to just remind you that when I'm breaking down the transits, what I'm doing is I'm telling you about the energies and I'm giving you the date that those transits are exact. And on exact dates, many people feel the energy the most. Oftentimes, something big will happen in the world. But we feel the energy building up, and then after it's at its zenith, we still feel it as it unfolds.

And so, while, yes, I'm giving you the specific dates, you want to remember that we're feeling them before and after the dates as well. And just because a transit is over doesn't mean whatever it is that was triggered in the world, in your psyche, in your relationships, in your life in general, magically goes away just because the transit's over. Astrology is a system for understanding where we find ourselves and our best resources and greatest challenges. It's not a tool for giving us a tidy narrative all the time, because life is a fucking mess.

So let's get into your horoscope. We are looking at the week of March 19th through the 25th of 2023. The first thing that happens this week is a Sun sextile to Pluto. And Pluto is at 29 degrees of Capricorn and 57 minutes, while the Sun is at 29 degrees of Pisces and 57 minutes. Now, we are at the anaretic degree, and I've been talking about the anaretic degree a fair amount because Saturn was there for a hot minute, and Pluto has been here for a longer hot minute. And so we're dealing a lot with these kind of critical energies.

We always want to pay attention to what happens when a planet or planets are at the very last degree of a sign because it's like the culmination point of that sign in many ways. So we have the Sun sextile to Pluto. It is a lovely transit. It strengthens our ability to synthesize, for our energies to be dynamic and come together for creative, regenerative purposes. Fabulous. This is a good transit for feeling strengthened in your physical or psychological vitality. It's a great time for essentially feeling good and feeling stronger.

How you use your energy is not necessarily going to be especially spectacular because there's nothing forcing you to do much. So, for many people, this transit is just going to be a bit of a breath of fresh air because it signals a bit of a relief from the heaviness we've been going through. It's not like the other transits are all magically over, but Sun sextile to Pluto can help us to feel more driven and more connected to a sense of purpose than we otherwise would be. And this is strengthening, fortifying, and all things good.

The only word of warning I will give you about this particular transit is a Sun sextile to Pluto motivates us to feel empowered, stronger, more resilient, but it doesn't mean that we're right. It doesn't mean that we are well considered in our perspective or actions; it just means we feel stronger and more resilient in our conviction and actions. So this can be a transit where we go headlong and with great purpose in the wrong direction just as easily as it can be one where we go headlong and with great purpose in the right direction.

I want to invite you to tap into the best parts of Pluto, which is our capacity to do some digging and to really check in with your assessments, your motivations, all of that kind of good stuff, because we've been in a bunch of Neptunian energies, which can blur the lines of our thinking. It can make things messy. It can lead to misunderstandings and general overwhelm. And when we're anxious or overwhelmed, we're more likely to get a little defensive or not make the best, most clear sense of things. So you definitely want to check in with yourself before you soldier on in that Sun/Plutonian way.

Now, the other thing that's happening on the 20th is that we have the vernal equinox, a.k.a. the Sun ingresses into Aries. And it's the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere. Now, equinoxes are not really my biggest passion or field of expertise, but I do want to acknowledge the shifting of seasons and shifting of energies, not because it's good or bad, but because it is. And as a person who works with energy, I can assure you that the more conscientious and intentional we are with the energy around us as well as the energy within us, the more engaged we can be in our life as it is, which doesn't promise you sunshine and rainbows, but it does promise you access to greater agency. And who doesn't want a little bit of that?

Okay. So that, my friends, brings us to the 21st of March. And on this date, we have a New Moon in Aries. So we have another New Moon happening at the very beginning of a zodiac sign, this time Aries. This is not an Eclipse. I want to be emphatically clear this is not an Eclipse. However, this New Moon does, from my perspective, mark the start of Eclipse Season, as April 19th's Solar Eclipse will be in Aries. So we have a New Moon in Aries at zero degrees and 49 minutes of Aries, and then the Solar Eclipse on April 19th will be at 29 degrees of Aries and 50 minutes.

So it's certainly worth noting that things are going to start getting Eclipsy around here. Now, I don't want what I'm telling you about the Eclipses to eclipse what I'm going to tell you about the New Moon. But I do want to acknowledge, again, this massive shift in energy that we're experiencing. So this New Moon is a New Moon; it is not an Eclipse. But it is the start of something big energetically and emotionally.

Let me tell you all about this New Moon. It is happening at 10:23 a.m. on March 21st, and this is a specific time. And if you're an astrologer or an astrology student, you can subscribe to my astrologer's pro tool, Astrology for Days, to track the transits to figure out exactly where they are for you in your time zone and to keep solid notes going as both a learning tool but also a way to track your own lived and felt experience through the transits.

So this New Moon has, I would say, a fair amount of Aries energy, if you would consider five planets in Aries to be a lot. I don't know. Would you? Okay. I'm being sarcastic in case you didn't know. That's a lot of Aries energy. It's not just that we have the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all sitting on top of each other in Aries, as well as Chiron and Jupiter sitting on top of each other in Aries, but we have the ruling planet of Aries⁠—Mars⁠—forming an out-of-sign square to Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, all in Aries, as well as Neptune in Pisces.

So, first of all, New Moons are always a beginning, and in particular, because this New Moon coincides with the start of a new cycle, a new season, it is even more so a time of beginnings. So does that mean that there's going to be some magical new person who rings your doorbell or new material thing that shows up in your life? No. I mean, that could happen, but that certainly won't happen for all people. What it does mean is that this New Moon is a bit of a doorway. Now, I don't know about you, but I've stood in front of doorways. I've sat in front of doorways. I've walked through doorways, not looked inside the room that I entered, and left.

There's a lot of things we can do with doors is what I'm saying. But it is a doorway. And with intention, we can move into something new. And you want to keep in mind we're talking about the Moon. The Moon governs our feelings, our emotions, our memories, relationship to family, our past, our home life⁠—present and past⁠—our feeling of safety. And so, with a New Moon, and in particular this very important New Moon, we have the opportunity to boldly⁠—thanks, Aries⁠—move into a new way of holding our feelings, caring for our feelings, managing our needs around any of the Lunar themes that we have.

There's a couple sticky parts to this, though. One is that we have Mercury sitting, as one of the slices of bread in a sandwich, between Mercury, the Sun, and the Moon, with the Moon right in the middle. And so Mercury and the Sun are both really focused on what I think, what I am, what I need, what I said. And the Moon is all about feelings. And so there is this way that we can be so fixated on what it is we believe we need or how we want other people to respond to us or feel about us that we don't actually take care of ourselves, that we don't actually protect ourselves and nurture ourselves or the people and things that are the most important to us.

The risk of this is strengthened because we are coming out of this really rough period⁠—which, again, we're still in the throes of⁠—where we have been feeling demoralized, overwhelmed, exhausted. Mars is forming a square to Neptune in Pisces, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury all in Aries. And that square makes us a little defensive, a little paranoid, a little quick to react, quick to judge, and again, quick to defense. It can intensify frustrations, ambition, argumentativeness, passion. It can also strengthen our capacity to handle things, to be courageous, to be brave, to get in there and do what's right because it's right, to follow through, and to do our utmost to make things happen.

Where we want to be careful is that the Sun, Moon, and Neptune are all conjoined. It's an out-of-sign conjunction. We got Neptune at 25 degrees of Pisces and the Sun and Moon at almost one degree of Aries. It's not a tight conjunction, but it is a conjunction nonetheless. This further adds confusion to the mix so that we may be feeling really idealistic, spiritually speaking. We may be feeling delusional. We may be feeling inspired. We may be able to center and prioritize empathy and generosity and transcendence of ego, not in a way where we're like, "I don't need you, ego"⁠—because we all need the damn ego⁠—but instead in a way that is not attached to ego, so we can be clear about what we need and what we are and also hold it lightly, not need to grasp it too tightly.

That's all the positive and the negative. They're all in there in the mix. They're all possible. And a lot of these things can happen at once. You may be feeling really clear and spiritually connected about one relationship in your life, and in another relationship, you may be feeling really annoyed and overwhelmed and anxious. We are complex beings, and I want to just remind you to hold space for the messiness because there's a lot of messiness right now.

Now, the other thing is that Mars is forming a square to Neptune, Sun, Mercury. So the Neptune/Mars square component is still demoralizing. It's still deflating, if you will. We may still be feeling uncomfortable or in a state of trying to kind of pass the buck where it's like, "I'm not responsible for anything that's wrong." So it is possible that you or someone that you're dealing with is just immersed in a victim narrative that they deeply believe because that's the only way they know how to cope. And that might be you; that might be someone else. Mars square to Neptune really triggers victim mentalities, martyred mentalities.

And so what's important to do here is to rein in our energy and check our motives⁠—so important this New Moon. If you're doing any kind of New Moon ritual⁠—and I encourage you to be somewhat conservative with whatever kind of spiritual work you're doing because of Neptune's presence. But if you're doing any kind of New Moon ritual, may I gently advise doing something to clarify your own motivations, your own needs, your own will?

When we cultivate clarity about what's happening inside of us, we are setting the stage for successful actions. So you don't need to know what action to pursue right now. What you want to know is what is authentic and true for you. What are your ambitions? What are your passions? What are your needs? Clarify that stuff.

Another thing that's happening in this New Moon chart is that we have a Venus/North Node conjunction. It's only, like, 13 minutes off. It's in the same degree, 13 minutes off. Venus/North Node conjunction. And for me, that clearly iterates this theme of aligning with your values. So Mars is motivations; Venus is values. We want to, as much as possible, be clear about our values. And I'll remind you that the North Node is not a planet. It's not a personality point. It's an evolutionary point. So don't be scared to evolve, which means change.

And so, if you're somebody who always knows the answer⁠—you've always got an answer; you've always got a plan⁠—this might mean evolving into a state of uncertainty, of not knowing. If you're somebody who has a hard time making decisions, maybe this evolution looks like, for you, owning that you know what your damn preferences are. You know what your values are. The potential for evolution⁠—real, meaningful evolution⁠—is so strong this New Moon, like powerful.

But we need to be able to sift through⁠. It's kind of like⁠—and this is a metaphor that really resonates with me. I don't know if it'll resonate with you. But it's kind of like you've entered into a jumbo thrift store, like a jumbo thrift store. There's a million things there. And yes, there's some organization, but it's not the most reliable organization. You just have to look through things, and when you do, you're going to see a lot of things you don't like. You're going to see a lot of things you do like. But you're not there to come home with armfuls and armfuls of stuff. You're only there to find things that are right for you, and right for you right now.

The point I'm trying to make here is, with all this Aries energy, it could be very tempting to be worried about, "What should I do? Should I go? How should it look? How quickly can I move?" But given all the astrological influences, including but not limited to Saturn at its first degree of Pisces and Pluto in its final gasping moments of its degrees of Capricorn, do your best to clarify your own motivations, your own feelings, your own needs, your intentions. And be brave while you do it. This isn't the time to buckle to convention, to do what you think you "should" do. This is the time to cultivate alignment within yourself so that you know what is authentic and true for you. It's a big, important New Moon, my friends.

Now, the very last thing I'm going to say about this New Moon in Aries is that because it's a New Moon in Aries, it is likely to give you a burst of energy. But not all bursts of energy are created equal. So, if you haven't been practicing good emotional and psychic hygiene, this is a very important moment to do so because when you're sitting in an anxiety soup and you get a burst of energy, that burst of energy may help you to get yourself out of that pot, but it may not. It may just give you this burst of energy to sink deeper into the messy soup.

So remember that you have resources. And luckily, all of this Aries energy can help you to remember that and to be motivated to access your resources. You have resources for coping. You have resources for understanding yourself. It's about remembering to use them, to activate and use them, not so that things are perfect, not so that you have all the answers, but because sometimes movement is the best thing we can call in. This is an Aries New Moon, so we know it calls for some movement. Let's just be intentional about what that movement is and what direction it is pointed.

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Are you looking to level up your skills or expand your self-knowledge with astrology? If so, explore the classes on my website, where you can gain the expertise and also perspective that you seek with various topics, from manifestation to the twelfth house to outer planets and love or exploring mental health with astrology. There are so many classes that I have on the Shop page of my website. Just visit⁠—that's⁠—and learn with me today.

My friends, this next thing I'm going to tell you about is a lot. On the 23rd, Pluto moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. And I have so much to say about it. When I say so much, I mean so much to say about it. And I will remind you that at the very end of 2022, I dropped a year-ahead forecast. And in that forecast, I talked about Pluto's transit through Aquarius. You may want to revisit it or check out the transcript on my website over at I got a lot more to say, so get out your pencil and your paper and take some notes. There's a lot coming up here.

Okay. Pluto ingresses into Aquarius on this date for about three months, until June of 2023, and then it retrogrades back into Capricorn for approximately seven months until January of 2024. And it will remain in Aquarius for more than seven months, I think, until it returns to Capricorn for a brief moment, for a couple months in early September. And then it will permanently ingress into Aquarius on November 19th of 2024. This is a very important thing for me to share because we are not dealing exclusively with Pluto in Aquarius energy.

As Pluto retrogrades in and out of Aquarius and Capricorn, we are going to be dealing with a lot of the Pluto in Capricorn themes ongoing. You capiche? And also, we are still in the Pluto Return of the United States, which is a very big deal for those of us here in the U.S., but it's also a big deal for the whole world because we are so loud, and we take up a lot of space as a nation. So this means that it is important to remember that we are talking about hierarchies, capitalism, patriarchy, corporations, and the Old Guard⁠—Pluto in Capricorn. We can expect for these matters to keep on heating up, absolutely.

This is happening at the legislative level. The attacks on teachers, people of color, and especially Black and Indigenous people, attacks on body autonomy for everyone who's not a cis guy, and the literal return to Jim Crow laws in some states are just the tip of the iceberg. We are on a tight rope, my friends, and it would be very easy to fall in any direction. But we're certainly tipping in one direction, and it is important for us to notice this⁠—not so that we panic. Panic is not the point. It's so that we get organized, so that we get determined, so that we find ways of participating in the world that help the world to be a better place.

This is a frightening time. And you look around the internet and see some astrologers or astrology websites are like, "Pluto in Aquarius means the end," or, "Pluto in Aquarius means utopia." And neither of these things are true. There are many ways that this can play out, but it is highly unlikely that destruction or healing will happen overnight. It won't happen right away as Pluto moves into Aquarius. If we look at history, we can see that most major movements built up over the course of time. They don't just happen in one quick moment. Even though we often talk about the one quick moment that something dramatic happened, there's a lot of history behind those moments. And it's important to be educated about this stuff so we know what to look for.

Now, Pluto. Pluto was only discovered by humans in 1930. And from an astrological viewpoint, when we humans discover planets, that directly coincides with meaningful transformations within our societies. It aligns with those planets' energies. So Neptune was discovered in 1846. Uranus was discovered in 1781. You could look at what was happening historically in those periods and what those planets mean and be like, "Oh, that makes total sense." Ditto with Pluto. This is part of why, or one of the many ways in which, it is really helpful to understand astrology in the context of history or history in the context of astrology.

But, more related to Pluto specifically moving into Aquarius, it is important to know that we have not yet gone through Pluto transiting through any of the zodiac signs Aquarius through Gemini⁠—so Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, or Gemini. We have not gone through these transits as humans, ever, on the planet while also being aware of its energies. So this is something very important worth noting. This means that, while we can, of course, look back at the last time Pluto was in any of these signs and we can learn about what was happening, the energies of Pluto itself were not yet activated within humanity in those times.

It is so remarkable to be living through these unprecedented times, to be here now. And again, it is easy to fall into a Plutonian pit about it and assume the worst and lose yourself in that fear. But wherever we have Pluto, yes, there's room for destruction, but there's equal energy for healing. It's just that with Pluto, you gotta go through it to get to it. And that often means activating traumas⁠—individually, collectively⁠—as a way to heal those traumas.

Pluto will inevitably bring about transformation to our society and to our individual lives. On a societal level, technology⁠—and in particular the internet and AI⁠—will play a more important role⁠, for better or worse and everything in between. This may be more sinister, but it can also bring us closer together and give us tools we would otherwise not have. But most likely, we will experience a combination of all of the above.

Because Pluto is moving into Aquarius, we are likely to become more aware of injustice and the needs of the many. And we may come together as a populace to promote greater freedom, autonomy, and to use networking in ways that promote community, care, and connection. But with Pluto, it can always go the opposite way. It's the planet of extremes, all or nothing, off or on. So the risk with Pluto in Aquarius is that we move into a fanatical, revolutionary, all-or-nothing kind of thinking as societies as well as individuals.

And it's important to remember with Aquarius that one can have the right ideas and do the wrong things very easily, especially when we're dealing with a fixed approach. And it's very important to remember that Aquarius is a fixed air sign. Think about the last two times that Pluto was in a fixed sign. We're talking about Pluto in Leo, which is the time that gave birth to the boomer generation, and Pluto in Scorpio, which is the transit that gave birth to millennials⁠—two revolutionary generations that have survival mechanisms that can incline them towards toxic individualism. This is the risk with a fixed sign.

But luckily, Pluto in a fixed sign also gives us the gift of follow-through. It gives the strength and fortitude to create transformation, healing, and reparations that Pluto often signifies the need of. So it is very likely that we will see an increase in identity politics with Pluto in Aquarius, and also an increase in community care. These things can occur to reinforce each other or at the expense of one another or, most likely, a little bit of both. And again, we want to resist the urge to spend too much time in all-or-nothing thinking. With Pluto, that's always a risk, a risk towards extremes.

What we want to keep track of is, when it comes to Pluto, there is the potential for healing, transformation, and regeneration, but none of this happens without effort. With Pluto in Aquarius, the cultivation of critical thinking, new ways of listening and learning, sharing information, processing information, and communication in general is all possible through this transit. The key is to recognize the humanity in our problems, to make sure there is humanity in our solutions, and to always come back to the humanity in ourselves and others. The second that we lose sight of that, we tend to get the worst parts of Aquarius.

Any of us who have watched sci-fi know how quickly and easily advances in technology turn to the sinister, how quickly or easily genius can become kind of warped to lose sight of humanity. That's the risk with Aquarian energies. There's also an important part of Pluto in Aquarius, which is the exploration of spirituality that is nondenominational. Aquarius is all about egalitarianism. And Pluto can go really deep and be deeply spiritual, have a deep connection to the divine, while Aquarius is not about attachment at all. It's not about denomination at all.

And so this can be so powerful and can help us to stay connected to our humanity, but I will note that this sits in stark contrast to Saturn and Neptune currently being in Pisces. There's a greater risk now of cults and other problems related to spirituality than other times because of these two transits of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. And so we want to make sure that we are using any spiritual tools that we use responsibly, and this can be done in a lot of ways. But it is so important, just powerfully important, that we are not using our spirituality to help us escape reality but instead to cope with the reality we find ourselves in, and if we are coming up with solutions, that⁠ they are solutions that serve communities of people and not just individuals within communities.

With the transit of Pluto in Aquarius, we must find our individual part to play. Aquarius is the sign of the individual⁠—again, autonomy, freedom, all of these kinds of things. And it's not just about individuality. It's about individuality in the context of community. We can get in deep trouble in this regard, or we can get deep in healing.

Now, on a more personal level, I want to remind you that astrology is math. And the reason why I'm saying this is, just because a planet⁠—in this moment, we're talking about Pluto⁠—moves into a zodiac sign⁠—in this moment, we're talking about Aquarius⁠—that does not mean it is aspecting planets in your birth chart. It doesn't automatically mean that. Unless you have planets or important points in your birth chart in the late degrees of Capricorn or up to three degrees of Aquarius, you have nothing to think about or worry about until 2025.

Every time something major shifts astrologically, I get flooded with questions about people who are future-tripping. But you don't know what will happen in two years. You don't know who you'll be in two years. And it's important that we focus on the transits we are going through here and now instead of projecting into the future, which is unknowable, to damage-control problems we don't understand and we can't understand. So stay present because the present moment needs you. The world needs you in this moment, and your life, your psyche, your spirit, your life needs you in this moment.

Now, if you want to know where Pluto is going to activate your birth chart, you've got to figure out where those late degrees of Capricorn or up to three degrees of Aquarius fall in your birth chart. And it's important to remember that where Pluto transits⁠—so when Pluto is moving through a house, even if it's not aspecting a planet or a point, it's still transiting. Where Pluto is transiting in our birth chart is where we can step into power, where healing can be generated, or we can have destructive or self-destructive experiences and tendencies. Things get intense whenever Pluto moves through a part of our birth chart. And because of how slowly Pluto moves, there's time and space for all of it. We can struggle. We can fail. We can pick ourselves up. We can dust ourselves off, keep on trying, and then make progress. We don't want to expect some meteoric experiences. This is not Jupiter. This is Pluto. It's "pull out your spoon and start digging a tunnel" kind of time. That's what Pluto wants from us.

Now, we also want to remember that Aquarius, as I said a little earlier, is a fixed air sign. Now, we relate Aquarius to humanitarianism, but it's also an air sign that can be a bit cold and detached. This is where we want to really pay attention to how those energies run in our lives. Wherever Aquarius falls for you in your birth chart will tell you about that. And that doesn't mean people who are Aquariuses or who have planets in Aquarius are cold and detached, but it is a part of Aquarian energies that are a coping mechanism for feeling overwhelmed with data and not knowing how to handle it or how to hold it or respond to it. And so we go into the head, evading the heart and the body.

So you want to pay attention to that because this is a negative risk with Pluto in Aquarius. This kind of thinking can lead to all manner of bullshit, like "Pull up your bootstraps and just keep on trying. If I did it, you should be able to do it" kind of thinking. And this is where Aquarius and Capricorn have a lot in common because before the discovery of Uranus, the planet Saturn co-ruled Aquarius and Capricorn. They got some shit in common is what I'm trying to say.

Now, what will happen during the transit of Pluto in Aquarius is TBD. We don't know it yet. But we know that Aquarius brings about revolutionary energies, and Pluto brings about transformation. We do know that there is the potential for more equity and humanity in power structures within society. That's possible. Right? It's possible. But we know that people with power never give up their power without a whole lot of fight. And so it's important to know that this is the struggle moving forward: to make sure our systems don't keep us separate from each other but instead support community care, and that community care doesn't come at the expense of autonomy and freedom and independence. This may mean revolution, a time of revolution, a time of unrest, because again, people with power tend to be loath to give up that power.

It is important that you don't freak out about this transit or astrology in general. Understand instead that this is simply a perspective on the world and life, and the reality that you have lived through, the person that you are, and what comes next are all simply experiences for you to make decisions around and engage with. Panicking or trying to figure things out so that you don't have to emotionally or physically struggle⁠—they're poor uses of astrology because they don't work. They're not valuable in that way. It's not effective.

It's important for you to remember that Pluto's energies cannot be controlled. If you've been listening to the podcast for a while, you know that I always describe the experience of Pluto as being in the undertow of the ocean. It's this roiling, powerful pool of water that, if you struggle and fight against it, no matter how good of a swimmer you are, it's going to pull you down. But if you can just let go and relax⁠, relax your body and not fight it, you will organically flow to freedom⁠—theoretically, hopefully, most of the time/all the time. I don't know. But that's a good metaphor, and I'm sticking with it.

So we cannot control how we experience Pluto in our individual lives. We cannot control what will happen in the world. But we can trust that the more we resist, the worse things get. But the more intentionally we participate in a way that is appropriate for the moment, a.k.a. in reality, the better things get. So show up with the best of your abilities without trying to control anything other than how you participate internally⁠—so that's spiritually, emotionally, psychologically⁠—as well as behaviorally with others and in the world.

Now, you know that I've been talking about the rights of Trans people, women, people whose genders exist outside of the binary, and I'm going to keep on talking about those things. It is a huge part of what we are going through as a collective. The policing of gender and body autonomy⁠ always⁠, always leads to terrible social developments, without exception. And if you have internalized misogyny or transphobia or homophobia, I really want to invite you to explore those things and work on those things so that you can be a better accomplice, ally, or participant⁠—depending on your identity⁠—in the world because when we come together and advocate for ourselves and others, we have power because we are the majority. Pluto in Aquarius is a powerful time where power structures can meaningfully change. And they may not. They're certainly not going to change on their own. We're going to make them change or not.

Finally, I want to say one more thing about our personal experience of Pluto. Pluto is all about power. And if you have an unhealthy relationship to your own personal power⁠—and who amongst us doesn't⁠? We, most of us, have, at least in some parts of our lives, a maladjusted relationship to power. When it comes to Pluto, we are dealing with power, personal power. This transit is going to activate your birth chart around the issues of power and empowerment.

So it's valuable, again, to figure out where it's falling in your chart and to not think about where it's going to be in five years⁠—that's not valuable, not right now⁠—but instead to track where it's going to be this year⁠—depending on how your brain works, maybe up to two years. But in general, that's my rule. Don't look forward more than two years, because you simply cannot know what the world is going to be like or how you're going to be. And you don't want to project into the future based on your present self when you have every intention of evolving, because if you evolve, then the way that you respond to whatever stimuli in five years is going to be different than the way you do now, at least hopefully.

So stay in the present. Cope in the present. And if you're overwhelmed, take care of that overwhelm. We're still in this sticky Neptune/Mars square energy. So strive to be clear about what you can embody in a healthy way and what you can't, and have healthy boundaries around that with yourself and others. And, my loves, that's your damn horoscope. Not a lot happening, but a lot happening. You know what I mean? Only a couple transits, but man, they're big.

I hope that this was helpful for you. And again, if you're interested in Pluto in Aquarius, go back and listen to my year-ahead forecast or read that transcript to get more information. But there's nothing wrong with pacing yourself because this, my friends, is a long-ass transit.

So I thank you for listening to Ghost of a Podcast this week and every week. Make sure that you hit Subscribe wherever you listen to the podcast so that you get alerts when the Wednesday episode comes out, where I give live readings, as well as your Sunday horoscope. And if you get value from the podcast, give me a little five-star action or a positive review. It really helps the pod, and it also means so much to me. And I invite you to join me over on Patreon, where we get very astrological and woo. I post a bunch on that platform, and I really love it.

Take care of yourself and others. Don't forget to mask up. And I will talk to you in just a couple of days. Buh-bye.