Weekly Overview
ARIESgot to Aries
TAURUSgot to Taurua
GEMINIgot to Gemini
CANCERgot to Cancer
LEOgot to Leo
VIRGOgo to Virgo
LIBRAgot to Libra
SCORPIOgot to Scorpio
SAGITTARIUSgot to Sagittarius
CAPRICORNgot to Capricorn
AQUARIUSgot to Aquarius
PISCESgo to Pisces

Weekly Overview


There’s a lot going on this week! The two major things that will be all over the internet and on your mind, body, & heart are Mercury entering its retroshade period on the 22nd (before the retrograde from April 1st through the 25th) and the Lunar eclipse in Libra at 12 AM Pacific time on March 25th. Listen to my weekly astrology podcast below or wherever podcasts are heard for an in-depth explanation, or read the transcript here. 

The TLDR is that eclipses are meant to be felt and experienced emotionally, and the effects of them are felt for about 6 months after the event. You don’t need a predictive horoscope or any complicated techniques to make the most of an eclipse. What the Moon wants from you is emotional presence. So stay with your emotions, especially the complicated ones. Nurture and care for yourself and others, especially when you’re feeling activated or challenged. Participate in your relationships—the intimate ones and the global ones—in ways that reflect who and how you want to be. Don't let your emotional defenses drive you!

Find out more here!

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Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
March 21 - April 19 April 20 – May 20 May 21 – June 21 June 22 – July 22 July 23 – August 22 August 23 – September 22 September 23 – October 22 October 23 – November 21 November 22 – December 21 December 22 – January 19 January 20 – February 18 February 19 – March 20

The eclipse on the 25th in your relationship house is bound to kick up some pretty big emotions in your close connections with others. Unless you’re dealing with a true adversary, it’s important to remember that in each encounter, you are likely dealing with someone who's your actual teammate. You don’t need to prove or defend yourself when complexities arise. Instead, find ways of collaborating, and commit to clarity and consent in your relationships.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

Eclipses always bring about change, which is not always your favorite thing. The Lunar Eclipse on the 25th is likely to have you in your feelings, and there is a danger that out of discomfort and restlessness, you rush to make a move or come to a conclusion that is not well-considered. Stay with your emotions, especially if they are challenging. It is by knowing yourself that you can care for and protect both yourself and the people close to you.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

While your default functionality under pressure is overthinking things and getting distracted by many different trains of thought at once, your assignment this week, with the Lunar Eclipse on the 25th, is to find a way to get and stay present. This basically requires that you are willing to feel your emotions without chasing distractions or developing a narrative to explain them away. Just feel your feelings, Twin Star.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

Your ruling planet, the Moon, is stirring the pot this eclipse season. On the 25th, there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Libra, and it’s meant to have you questioning things. While the details may feel pressing, it’s wise to keep your attention on the big picture of your relationships, your emotional health and welfare, and how you engage with self-care. Be open to whatever is revealed without jumping to conclusions or premature fixes, Moonchild.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

The Lunar Eclipse on March 25th is meant to trigger really deep emotions within you. Don’t be surprised if you feel confused, overwhelmed, or just off in your close connections with others. It’s time to consider whether or not you have been clear about your boundaries and thoroughly done the job of upholding and embodying them. At the same time, consider how you actively respect others' expressed needs and limitations. This is the time to turn your attention to the big picture of your relationships, Leo.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on the 25th is going to activate a lot of people's emotions. Your assignment is to reflect on your past so that you may learn from its lessons and not repeat old mistakes. Be true to yourself without defensiveness, and show up with others without martyrdom, Virgo. Aim to be in your feelings and to stay present with the messy parts of yourself.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 25th is meant to trigger deep emotions, which may be overwhelming or confusing, but there’s so much value to it. Do your best not to fixate on other people's actions or feelings because this eclipse is meant to connect you with your own emotional truths. What you feel and how you show up for and engage with your emotions is yours to manage. You can't effectively do this when you're anchoring yourself through your connections with others, Libra.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

The Lunar Eclipse on the 25th will introduce some chaos into everybody’s week. You are likely to be feeling so much that it veers into overwhelm or anxiety, so it’s going to be important that you prioritize self-care that helps you to stay centered and right with yourself. The most important thing is that you act from a place of integrity; don’t allow insecurity or drama to pull you from your center, Scorpio.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

Eclipses both reveal and obscure—and you’re likely to really be feeling that. Instead of trying to control trajectories or make plans or analyze situations, challenge yourself to stay present with the unknown. You don’t need to have answers. Just get present with where you’re at, how it feels, and what your intentions actually are, Sagittarius. Stay with what you don’t know, and allow yourself to be gently curious about your anxieties this week.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

The eclipse on the 25th is likely to have you reflecting on your relationships, and you run the risk of fixating disproportionately on your insecurities and what isn’t working. Instead of getting overwhelmed by the ways in which your current relationships are a reflection of your past and present, accept what the Moon really wants you to focus on. Your own feelings and emotional patterns are the assignment this week, Capricorn.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

Eclipses have a way of bringing submerged emotions to the surface. This week's eclipse on the 25th may trigger some grief or disappointment that you have been doing a pretty good job of repressing. Be courageous enough to feel whatever emotions come up and curious enough to explore them. When you feel the pain of what isn’t working, that’s a really good thing, even if it feels bad, Aquarius.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!

When you encounter too much stimulation, it’s hard to know how to process it, and emotions can turn to anxiety. It's important that you stay connected to your innermost truth so that you may act in ways that reflect it, Pisces. The eclipse on the 25th is destabilizing to be sure, but the moments when things are rattled are the easiest in which to make change. Lean into the fertility of this time instead of resisting the inevitable and holding onto what no longer serves you, Pisces.

Register for the March 23rd class, Navigating Midlife Transitions Through Astrology with Jessica Lanyadoo here!